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Dynamics 365

The Dynamics 365 Customer Insights team is happy to announce the availability of the July release.

New features

  • CSP, DAP, and AOBO
  • Export to Azure Blob storage
  • Measures results (preview)
  • Submit feedback directly through the app

Cloud Solution Provider program (CSP), delegated admin privileges (DAP), and admin on behalf of (AOBO)

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights is available for partners to resell through the CSP program. Delegated administration refers to the ability for a CSP partner to administer a customer of theirs on behalf of the customer. CSP partners are granted DAP for any customer they create (also known as provision). Customer tenants contain the details on which partners can administer the customer tenant and cloud service subscriptions. Admin-on-behalf-of (AOBO) is the functional execution of the delegated admin privilege. After completing the purchase of Customer Insights for a customer, the partner can now administer the customer tenant, including creating and managing the customer instance.

Export to Azure Blob storage

The new Export Destinations tab allows you to configure output destinations to Azure Blob storage and configure entities to export. You can run the exports immediately, or they can be scheduled to run every time you have a scheduled refresh of your data.

a screenshot of the data sources page

Measures results (preview)

Beginning today, you can view all the information on your created measures right from the measures screen, and you can more easily download your measure’s data.

Once your measure is created, simply click it in the measures table to view its information:

a screenshot of a dialog window on the measures page with the ability to download the measure data as a CSV file

Note that specifically in the case of Customer attribute measures, this feature enables you to view a single Customer attribute for the first time.

Also note that at the upper right corner of that new window, you have the option to easily download your measure into a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Submit feedback directly through the app

You can now submit a rating between 0 and 10 and provide comments directly to our team. We look at all feedback we receive and prioritize features and changes requested by you, so if you see the dialog box, please take 30 seconds to let us know what you think and what you want next!

a dialog box asking for a rating and comments