Latest update of Dynamics 365 Guides adds accessibility improvements, support for additional languages, and more!
Applies to: Dynamics 365 Guides (app version 104.1908.24001 and solution version 104.1908.0.117)
The Dynamics 365 Guides team is pleased to announce the latest update, which includes the following improvements:
Accessibility enhancements. The PC application offers better color contrast and support for high-contrast mode for visually-impaired users.
Use the keyboard to tab through the user interface while using Narrator to read various authoring options. In preview mode, you can manipulate 3D models using the keyboard.
Improved hologram manipulation. Holograms move more naturally as you place them in space, which makes it easier to accurately align holograms to the real world.
Support for additional languages. The PC app and the HoloLens app now support the following languages: English (US, UK), French (France, Canada), German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Chinese (People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR), Japanese, and Korean.
Note: To get this update, you need to update the PC app and the HoloLens app from the Microsoft store. Updating the Dynamics 365 Guides (Preview) solution is not mandatory, but you need to update it if you intend to use the app in the newly supported languages.
For more information on Dynamics 365 Guides, see our in-depth documentation.