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Dynamics 365

Guest Access with Field Service Mobile: Introducing Tenant Switcher for Field Service Mobile

A common scenario for Field Service organizations is to augment their staff with external vendor resources.  Leveraging Azure Active Directory B2B Guest Access, vendors can be added to the organizational directory without being created as full first party users within the organization. This allows a clean delineation of users to manage security and data access. 

Dynamics 365 has made this vendor onboarding process even easier with Wave 1 2023 by introducing Tenant Switcher for Field Service Mobile. Tenant Switcher provides a user interface where guest users can now easily switch between their Home and Guest Tenants. 

Tenant Switcher

Other considerations to note: 

  • Guest Users require a Field Service license and appropriate Security role for access to Field Service Mobile. 
  • Model Driven Application Authentication supports work or school accounts. AAD B2B Guest users configured with a personal account would not be able to authenticate and access the Field Service Mobile application directly. 

Field Service (Dynamics 365) mobile app overview  – Dynamics 365 Field Service | Microsoft Learn