Impact of Delocalization Process in the Czech Version of Business Central 2023 Wave 2 Release
Microsoft has separated all Czech-specific functionalities into distinct applications as part of the delocalization process of the Czech version of Dynamics 365 Business Central. The process intended to pave the way for the seamless integration of Czech local functionalities on top of the Worldwide (W1) version of the Business Central.
Technical Overview
Business Central has been undergoing major changes over the past few years and one of the strategy areas is application modularization, that includes localization layers. This led to critical changes in the Czech localization layer, which has now been converted into a suite of distinct localization apps. The suite contains the following apps: Core Pack, Advance Pack, Banking documents, Cash Desk, Compensation, Advance Payments, and Fixed Assets.
To ensure that both old and new Czech functionalities work in parallel in that transition period. Microsoft made sure that the old code integrated into the Base Application was gradually cleaned up. The last step is to remove Czech specific fields from the Czech Base Application.
In the next major release of Business Central 2023 wave 2 (version 23), the following Czech-specific fields will be removed from the tables, while primary keys will be updated:
- Table 1251 “Text-to-Account Mapping”, field 11700 Text-to-Account Mapping Code: Code[10]
- Table 1252 “Bank Pmt. Appl. Rule”, field “Bank Pmt. Appl. Rule Code” Code: Code[10]

The removal of Czech-specific tables and fields from the Czech Base Application, has also been announced in the list of deprecated features, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-central/dev-itpro/upgrade/deprecated-features-platform#changes-in-2024-release-wave-2-version-250.
Action Required: Upgrade to Business Central 2023 Release Wave 2
To ensure a successful upgrade to Business Central 2023 release wave 2 (version 23) Czech, perform a forced synchronization of the database schema. Microsoft will ensure a seamless upgrade process for users of the online version of Business Central. However, for those upgrading to this version using Business Central on-premises, it is necessary to set the “schemaUpdateMode” parameter in CZ Base Application to “ForceSync” to synchronize the data model.
Users who are upgrading to the on-premises version of Business Central 2023 release wave 2 (version 23) Czech and higher must verify that there are no duplicate records in both tables 1251 “Text to Account Mapping” and 1252 “Bank Payment Application Rule” after the Czech fields have been removed from the primary key. This can be accomplished either by manually deleting the data or by upgrading to any version of BC 22.x where data modifications will be included as part of the upgrade procedures. It is highly recommended to back up the data in these tables before proceeding.
Czech-specific fields that were previously part of the primary key in Table 1251 “Text to Account Mapping,” specifically Field 11700 “Text-to-Account Mapping Code,” and in Table 1252 “Bank Payment Application Rule,” “Bank Payment Application Rule Code,” will be removed in this new version.