Advanced bank reconciliation setup in AX 2012 R2

 We’ve had several questions on how to setup Advanced Bank Reconciliation in AX 2012 R2, so here’s the steps to get this working in the Contoso Demo data:

  1. Ctrl+D to open the AOT. Expand Resources and locate “BAI2CSV_to_BAI2XML_xslt”, and then right-click and click “Open”.
  2. On the form that opens, change “Resource type” to “XML document”. Click “Export”. 
  3. Export the file to a directory on your machine.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3, this time for the “BAI2XML_to_Reconciliation_xslt”.
  5. Go to Tools | Application Integration Framework | Manage transforms. Click “New”, and enter “CSV to XML”. Click “Load”. Change the file extension to “XSLT files” to ensure you can see the files exported earlier. Select the “BAI2CSV-to-BAI2XML.xslt” file, and click “Open”.
  6. Click “New”, and enter “XML to Reconciliation”. Click “Load”. Change the file extension to “XSLT files” to ensure you can see the files exported earlier. Select the “BAI2XML-to-Reconciliation.xslt” file, and click “Open”.
  7. Close the “Manage transforms” form and close the AOT.
  8. Go to System administration | Setup | Services and Application Integration Framework | Inbound ports. Click “New”, enter “AdvancedBankReconciliation” for the “Port name” and “Description”. Change the “Adapter” to “File system adapter”. Click the drop-menu for “URI” and click the location of the bank transform files.
  9. On the “Service contract customizations” fast tab, click “Service operations”. Select BankStmtService.create, BankStmtService.delete, BankStmtService.find, BankStmtService.getChangedKeys, BankStmtService.getKeys, and, and move them to the “Selected service operations” section. Close the “Select service operations” form.
  10. On the “Processing options” fast tab, check the box for “Transform all requests” and click “Inbound transforms”.
  11. On the “Inbound transforms form, click “New”. Select “XML to Reconciliation” for the “Transform name”. Click “New”, and click “Yes” to the warning box. Select “CSV to XML” for the “Transform name” and Ctrl+S to save, and click “Yes” again to the warning box.
    **Be sure that “CSV to XML” is the first line and “XML to Reconciliation” is the second record to have the correct order for the transforms. Close the “Inbound transforms” form.
  12. In the “Troubleshooting” fast tab, change the “Logging mode” to “Original document”. In the “Security” fast tab, select “initial” for the “Restrict to partition”.
  13. Lastly, click “Activate” to activate the new inbound port.
  14. Go to Cash and bank management | Common | Bank accounts. Select the “USA OPER” account and click “Edit”.  Expand the “Reconciliation” fast tab, and check the box for “Advanced bank reconciliation”. Click “OK” to confirm. 
  15. In the same section, right-click the drop-menu for “Statement format” and click “View details”. On the “Bank statement format” form, click “New”. Enter “BAI2” for the “Statement format” and “Name”. Select “AdvancedBankReconciliation” for the “Inbound port” and close the form. 
  16. On the “Bank accounts” form, select the drop menu for “Statement format”, and select “BAI2” that was just created. Close the “Bank accounts” form.
  17. Go to Cash and bank management | Setup | Cash and bank management parameters. Click the “Number sequences” tab, and select a number sequence for “Reconcile ID”, “Statement ID”, and “Download ID”. Close the form.
  18. Go to Cash and bank management | Common | Bank statements. Click “Import statement” in the action pane. Change the “Bank account” to “USA OPER”, select “BAI2” for the “Statement format”, and navigate to the location of the .txt file from the bank in the “File folder” line. Select the bank file, and click “OK”. 
  19. Click “Refresh” on the bank statements list page. Select the imported bank statement, and click “Validate” on the action pane.

NOTE: If you’re having issues getting your statement to import, we have updated the CSV->XML transform XSLT file to handle certain scenarios. This fix can be downloaded from PartnerSource or Lifecycle Services by searching for KB 2964064, or by opening a support request.
