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Financial Services beyond traditional boundaries

The rise of digital technology has dramatically changed the landscape in the financial services industry.  Financial services organizations are under pressure to differentiate themselves from the competition and retain customers. Crucial to core banking is the ability to ensure comprehensive, 360-degree view customer analysis, deep integration to customer information file (CIF), ability to drive Next Best Action/Offer, all while maintaining security.

Breaking beyond traditional boundaries requires financial services organizations to find ways to address more than standard financial needs.  Extending their digital ecosystem by working with partners gives them the ability to offer a greater range of services while satisfying their customers.

Microsoft is a global leader in productivity, cloud services and business applications.  Our SI and ISV partners leverage the Microsoft ecosystem to build complete industry solutions that are unmatched in capabilities and business value.

FinServ: Meet Veripark

Veripark is Microsoft’s leading Financial Services ISV.  Veripark has a complete financial services solution including banking retail, wealth, and commercial business.  Built on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Application Platform, Veripark provides a comprehensive financial services solution set including Retail, Wealth/Private Banking and Commercial.

Veripark offers interconnected solutions that are implemented across financial services LOB:

  • VeriChannel: omni-channel bank services with integrated functionality for call centers, kiosks, “smart branch”, and mobile, providing core capabilities including account and card management, forms, and virtual services
  • VeriBranch: branch automation across a number of roles including Teller, Seller, and Advisor; includes branch open/close, vault open/close, cash recycle integration and signature/biometric identification.
  • VeriTouch: 360/720-degree view of the client, enrollment, KYC, Next Best Action, service request and complaint management
  • VeriLoan: loan origination and servicing module managing personal and auto loans, mortgages, and credit cards with direct connection to credit bureau services and scoring
  • VeriLink: provides integration to pre-existing services and can be customized for CIF integration

As financial institutions modernize and move through digital transformation, leveraging comprehensive business solutions that can be configured will be an essential tool for success.

Be collaborative

Making your customers happy by innovating requires a collaborative approach. Driving a strong and lasting customer relationship means understanding and anticipating customer needs. Contact Microsoft Services to find out how you can implement a Veripark solution to enhance your customers’ experience.

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