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3 basic Azure security services to help you sleep better at night

Graphic with text that reads 200+ The number of online services delivered by Microsoft datacentres.

Welcome to Day 5 of Business Self-Defense from Microsoft Canada. Today, we focus on three simple Azure security services that can help you sleep better at night.

What’s Azure?

Since debuting in 2010, the Microsoft Azure cloud services platform has emerged as the world’s most trusted cloud. Azure offers organizations of all sizes and types a powerful and cost-effective computing, storage, data, networking and application services in a single bound. Along the way, it delivers some serious security benefits, too. Let’s look at a few of those Azure security benefits.

1) Cloud control

The first and single biggest security benefit is moving to the cloud itself. By segregating data and applications behind “the great big firewall in the sky,” companies immediately improve their security while opening a world of operational possibilities. Gone are the days of server rooms and the vulnerability of do-it-yourself security. The only way to go is the cloud where your business-critical assets are always accessible, but protected by state-of-the-art, industrial-strength measures.

Are cloud services just for big companies? Not a chance! Azure’s pay-as-you-go model means any-sized business or non-profit agency can afford to make the leap to better security…

2) Better backups

The second security benefit is Azure Backup. Anyone who has lost files or experienced a security breach will testify to the absolute necessity of have a simple, reliable, and inexpensive means to store your business-critical data. Efficient and flexible, Microsoft Azure offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

When was the last time you tested your backup system? And what happens if that old server you use for backups gives out? Stop relying on outdated technology and introduce a disaster recovery plan instead!

3) Quick recovery

The third security benefit is Azure Site Recovery, which protects and replicates your applications on physical or virtual machines. You can replicate your datacentre, so that if disaster strikes, your applications will stay online. Period. Moreover, Azure Site Recovery allows you to customize your recovery plans and even monitors the heath of your system continually for peace-of-mind.

Did you know that Microsoft employs over 3,500 global cyber-security experts who work together to safeguard your business assets and data in Azure? They’re part of a team that monitors everything, 24/7/365.

Where should you start?

Talk to your IT team or solution provider about modernizing your security/operations. If you don’t have an IT partner already, you can find a certified provider near you at the Microsoft solution provider search tool. You can talk to them about migrating your apps and data to the cloud and explore other digital transformation opportunities.

Free Azure trial

Care to try on Microsoft Azure for size? You’re in luck! Microsoft’s free Azure trial is second to none. You can create your Azure free account today and get started with 12 months of popular free services, a US $250 credit to explore services, PLUS dozens of free services—like Windows Virtual Machines and Active Directory—to explore.

Free ebook offer

Cover of the Protect your data ebookEducate employees on the importance of data security and how they can implement best practices. “Protect Your Data: 7 Ways to Improve Your Security Posture” discusses seven ways to tighten up their security, including employee education and workplace best practices.






You’ll learn how to:

  • Reduce threats with identity and access management
  • Leverage conditional access across a broad organization
  • Reduce malware exposure
  • Manage mobile devices and apps
  • Prevent data loss
  • Enable secure collaboration