
How low/no code solutions can accelerate innovation and digitisation 

As a society, we use apps to manage, connect and augment our day-to-day lives. So, it’s understandable that when we go to work, we expect to have the same. Apps can help organisations modernise processes, create new innovations and uncover opportunities. According to the IDC, this growing demand for digital solutions means that 500 million


Unify your digital environment for secure collaboration 

To stay secure in an everchanging threat landscape, organisations must build cyber resilience and secure collaboration across their digital environment. In fact, many leaders view security as an enabler of business. Those who feel the most vulnerable are the most mature in their security posture – 83 percent according to our research. Mature security organisations


Drive cyber resilience and stay secure against heightened threats 

As the landscape of work has changed, so have cyberthreats. Technology has enabled the rise of remote and hybrid working. However, this increasingly complex environment also means there’s more vulnerabilities. Leaders have seen three trends rise: Stay competitive in a fast-evolving business landscape. Defend against cyber threats. Achieve both the above goals while reducing complexity


How HR can streamline and improve the employee experience 

With the widespread move to flexible or hybrid work practices, providing a fast and effective staff onboarding process is becoming more of a challenge.   Streamlining and improving the onboarding process helps provide a great first impression of the organisation for new employees. This is not only positive for the user themselves, the HR department will


How to turn data insights into action 

Over the next three years, global data creation is projected to grow to more than 180 zettabytes. One zettabyte is approximately a trillion gigabytes. To visualise it, let’s turn a gigabyte into a brick. 180 zettabytes would build around 46,475 Great Walls of China. Organisations that can connect and use their data are more resilient


How to turn your sustainability ambition into action 

We know from the latest IPCC report on climate change that we have a very narrow window of time to ensure we achieve our global goal of operating within a 1.5-degree climate rise. The impact of not doing so will have devastating consequences for global temperatures, drought impacting food security, and flooding and sea level


The developer-customer connection: Why dev-centred cultures are customer-centric cultures 

Customers in today’s world expect a seamless interaction with a business. Because of this, your organisation’s essential business processes and interactions with customers, partners and employees increasingly depends on tailored innovative digital solutions. The teams who develop and manage these solutions – developers – are at the heart of the organisation. They’re critical in enabling


KPIs and ROI: Quantifying the impact of data management in your business 

How can business leaders generate the right outcomes? With timely, fact-based decision making. Data can help an organisation identify new opportunities and uncover hidden efficiencies. The business world is no stranger to disruptions and changes, and when you extract as much value from data as possible, your organisation will be able to move with speed


Make app building easier: The benefits of low-code and no-code 

Until recently, creating apps rested solely in the hands of professional developers. However, the surge in digital demand across every industry, and rise of low-code development platforms has set the stage for those outside of IT to solve business challenges themselves by making app building easy with drag-and-drop simplicity. When innovation becomes culture, we can


Empower employees by unifying your analytics and data architecture 

We hear all the time how data is our most valuable asset in business. However, you can only truly recognise its value once you connect and manage your data in a cohesive fashion. What happens when you enable a digital feedback loop within your organisation, your data and analytics, and the intelligence it creates? The