
Data always tells a story 

Data always tells a story. Today, data and its stories have become one of the most valuable resources to strategic and operational decision makers. 


The Top 10 TechNet UK Articles of 2019! 

We may be a few days into the new year, but there's still one more thing we need to do before saying goodbye to 2019 - check out the top ten articles of the year! A massive thank you to our guest writers and contributors for providing these articles, and we hope to work with writers new and old in 2020 to create even more great content for everyone at TechNet UK.


Using Containers to run R/Shiny workloads in Azure: Part 4 

In the parts one, two and three of this series, I described how to build containers using Dockerfiles, then how to share and access them from Azure. In this part, we’ll move briefly away from Python to look at R together with Shiny as a dynamic reporting and visualisation capability pulling data from a Postgres database.