Customers Gain Roadmap for the Future with Microsoft, SQL Server 2014 and In-Memory OLTP

There’s a lot of excitement around the In-Memory OLTP database engine in SQL Server 2014—and for good reason. Many companies are already realizing impressive performance gains by using it. Here are just a few examples:

Edgenet manages data for Fortune 500 firms, and its success depends on updating clients’ databases so that they accurately reflect transactions, especially for databases supporting online shopping carts. By upgrading to SQL Server 2014, Edgenet boosted throughput sevenfold with In-Memory OLTP. Read the case study here.

SBI Liquidity Market  manages more than US$1 trillion each month in foreign currency exchange trading. To increase scalability and speed, it upgraded its trading system to SQL Server 2014. With In-Memory OLTP, SBI Liquidity Markets improved throughput by 10x, processing up to 200,000 transactions per second. Read more about this story here.

TPP manages about half of the United Kingdom’s 60 million medical records through its hosted clinician service. Fast access to medical records is critical.  In the most extreme scenarios, if a doctor can’t access the system fast enough, patient’s lives could be at stake.  When TPP started testing In-Memory OLTP by upgrading its databases to SQL Server 2014 managed to get the solution up and running in only half a day.  Although the databases were running on existing servers, TPP observed 7 times performance improvements.  Further details on their story are here.

While In-Memory OLTP is transforming performance, it’s just one feature in the broader Microsoft platform that’s supporting modern applications’ demand for intense scale and ease of access.

This end-to-end platform is what sets Microsoft apart, and that’s why I’d like to echo some points recently made by Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s Executive Vice President of Cloud and Enterprise. In 10 years, I believe Microsoft will still be at the core of computing because the company is continuing to shape the industry with innovations such as the hybrid cloud based on its Cloud OS. Microsoft also offers fast data insights with BI tools that “led the pack” according to Forrester Research. Ongoing adoption of Microsoft’s platform by the world’s top companies is also testament to the company’s vision.

For more information about In-Memory OLTP including its no locking/no latching concurrency controls, read this article.  SQL Server 2014 CTP2 is now available for download here.