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Sumit Bhatia articles

Sumit Bhatia
Sumit Bhatia
Director, Innovation and Policy, Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst, Ryerson University
Sumit brings extensive experience as a business strategist helping organizations embrace technology and transform digitally. As an entrepreneur, Sumit has led two technology start ups through the lifecycle of inception to commercialization. He has helped develop applied research and knowledge mobilization frameworks at large academic institutions including the developing of multiple emerging technology diploma and degree programs. His own research has focused on social impact of emerging technologies, cybersecurity and public policy,technology and ethics, and driving behavioral change through immersive digital environments. As Director of Innovation and policy, Sumit heads up the Catalyst Cyber Accelerator, a business accelerator for Cybersecurity starts ups as well as the Cybersecure Policy Exchange, a policy and research enterprise dedicated to advancing effective and innovative public policy in cybersecurity and digital privacy. He also leads the Catalysts SMB initiatives. Sumit sits on Ryerson University's Research Ethics Board and holds a Bachelor of Honors in Economics and Finance from the University of Toronto and a Master in Digital Media from Ryerson University.