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It’s tough being the newbie

Your first day in the office is full of anxiety – but that’s nothing compared to making a social selling blunder

You remember your first day in the office, right?

You’re the newbie. Everyone around you seems to know where they’re going and what they’re doing. They speak in their own language, and seem to find it all so easy. Meanwhile, you can’t even make the coffee machine work. And of course in these early days you aren’t sure who your friends or allies are yet – it’s a total mystery.

This is a prime situation for nerves, anxiety and fear of saying the wrong thing.

Think that’s bad? Welcome to every single day in social media selling.

When you put a foot wrong in social media, it’s not just the whole office that hears about it. It’s the whole world. Instantly. Plus, you’re not only responsible for yourself but suddenly representing an entire brand. One Twitter mis-step and suddenly the CEO is having to issue a formal apology.

So let’s say goodbye to these nerves and take a new approach: Stop talking, start listening.

Because as you enter any new space, whether it’s a new physical office or a social media platform you are unfamiliar with, the quickest way to get rid of anxiety is to do nothing. Well, not ‘nothing.’ But rather than talk, or feel the impulse to talk, why not trying listening? Just like your first few days in a new office, spend some time figuring out how people communicate in this particular world. Find your allies, learn the language. It’s the fastest way to get rid of that cold-calling anxiety.

And it gets better. Because the more you listen, the more you empathise with those around you. Once you’re empathising … guess what? You’re social selling and you didn’t even realise it. If you’re ready to dive deeper, everything you need to know to avoid feeling like the new kid in the office is in the Social Selling Guide: Practical tips and advice for using social media to drive sales performance.

Hear from the pros

Okay, you’ve been in the office for a little while and you’re starting to get to know your way around. Being in the social media space is no different: You gain confidence and look for opportunities to grow in your role. How do you achieve that? By getting insight from those at the top of their game. Because theory is great, but you can’t beat hearing from the professionals who are leading the way. Find out about the latest developments that the major social media players are seeing with our Social Selling eBook: Tips from the pros, where they talk about use of social media to drive sales.

These two eBooks will help reduce the anxiety of ‘saying the wrong thing’ and boost your selling performance in the process. A little insight into human behaviour, whether in real life or on social media platforms can go a very long way.

Download the Social Selling Guide and Social Selling eBook