Driving transparency to rebuild trust
How technology can rebuild bridges between communities and law enforcement
Amidst the calls for police reform and the confusion and stress brought on by the pandemic, there is a common thread: scarcity of information, which drives mistrust. So what can we do to unite public servants and the communities they serve? Leverage innovative technology to bring clarity through communication, open data, analytics, insights, and action.
Earlier this year, our partner, Veritone, commissioned a national survey which included a wide-ranging set of questions regarding transparency and the use of technology by our country’s law enforcement agencies. These findings were recently published in an insightful report. One of the outcomes of this report was that perceptions of police have been damaged by a lack of transparency. The public often goes to the law enforcement agencies to find information only to learn that it is a complex process to access.
There are many organizations trying to bridge the gap between communities and local law enforcement, such as Movement Forward and the Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) project. We’re building on their great work and developing new technologies to not only help departments become more transparent in their reporting but also to provide insights that can help guide the way they approach interactions with their residents and improve relationships. The key to all of this is to ensure that everyone in the community has visibility into the data, as well as an understanding of what it means.
Law enforcement agencies are well-aware of the challenge and are actively trying to find ways to address the public’s concerns. Join us for a webinar that will take this discussion even further. Veritone and Microsoft will host a virtual panel discussion with law enforcement leaders from across the country to discuss the report’s findings, as well as other related topics. Find out what it all means for our nation’s law enforcement agencies and what next steps are suggested. Featured panelists include:
- Former Chief of Police Joel Shults, Colorado.
- Chief of Police Steven Casstevens, Buffalo Grove, IL (past IACP president).
- Chief of Police Jorge Cisneros, Anaheim, CA.
- Former Police Commissioner William Gross, Boston, MA.
- Chief of Police John Letteney, Thomasville, GA (incoming IACP president).
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