Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

1 min read

“Unable to find the digital certificate” error when posting an invoice using the Mexican localization 

In this post I would like to mention a known issue related to the Mexican electronic invoice (CFDI) in Dynamics AX 2012. If you have followed all the configuration steps detailed here, have valid certificates, and still see the error message “unable to find the digital certificate” when posting an invoice, you should make sure

2 min read

Automatically translate knowledge articles 

Knowledge Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 lets you create knowledge articles in one language and  translate them into other languages. Having your knowledge articles available in the different languages of your user base greatly increases the impact of the knowledge you maintain. In turn, this has a positive impact in driving employee and customer

3 min read

Exciting new features in Microsoft Social Engagement 2016 Update 1.3 

We’re excited to share the news for the features included in the latest release that help you boost the productivity of your organization. Microsoft Social Engagement now analyzes post in English for the author’s intention. The new automation rules enable highly efficient scenarios to automatically create records form posts in Dynamics CRM based on specified

2 min read

Quick and easy debugging in AX 7 

This purpose of this blog is to show how you can get quickly get started with debuggingin AX7, specifically by showing how you can debug an error message issued from AX. So, let’s begin ! Imagine you are posting a Bank journal and you get the following error message upon posting ‘Currency EUR not allowed for account USMF